Being let go does not prevent you from obtaining a new position. I do recommend that you prepare for how you will respond to questions regarding the termination. Networking is also crucial because someone can get to know you outside of the job search and will therefore likely place less emphasis on the firing. You will want to be intentional in who you choose to network with.
When conducting a job search after a firing, be sure that you have processed the incident fully so any negative emotions are not coming through in your document, speech, or tone to potential colleagues or employers. Prepare a response about the termination that includes a high level view of the facts and anything you gained from the experience. Also be sure to focus on why you are excited about the particular position for which you are applying. Don’t blame the previous employer or speak negatively about them.
If the job search is taking a while, consider obtaining a volunteer position in the interim. This will give you something to fill any employment gaps, keep your skill sharp, and provide access to new connections.
For specific tips on conducting an effective job search, check out our online tutorial: Job Search: How to REALLY Find a Job!