Asking for a job when in a networking conversation is considered poor form. First, it could seem to be a “bait and switch” to the person you’re talking with: you asked for an informational meeting, and then you ask them to hire you. This might feel very uncomfortable for them. Second, chances are that you do not know enough about the organization yet (and they do not know enough about you) to determine if it would be a good fit.
That being said, you can still be proactive in your networking once a relationship is established, such as by explaining that you are interested in joining the company and, rather than asking outright for a job, asking for advice about what types of positions you may be a good fit for.
One way to ask this is “What suggestions do you have for me to be a qualified candidate for a job like we’ve been discussing at your organization?”
To learn more, review the networking on-demand tutorial, or if you prefer to learn by reading written material, read the networking section of the Career Center.