Last Updated: Jul 08, 2016 Views: 7675

Scientific Merit Review (SMR) is a process that is intended to ensure that research is of sound design and methodology and is likely to contribute to literature in the discipline or field.

Learners must obtain SMR approval in order to complete Dissertation Milestone 5

Within the dissertation process, learners complete a research plan and obtain approval from their mentor and committee.  The research plan is then submitted for scientific merit review.  The Research plan is the document that is completed.  Scientific Merit Review is a process to ensure that the plan meets expectations and that the research will contribute to the literature in the discipline or field. 

Visit Doctoral Resources and Support page to locate the Research Plan form for your school and learn more about the SMR process.

Further Resources

Check out our resources on Campus (iGuide):

Doctoral Resources and Support

Institutional Review Board (IRB)