Last Updated: Jan 31, 2024 Views: 1132

For PhD learners, CITI must be completed at the latest by Milestone 2: Research Ethics training. However, note that some courses and programs require learners to take CITI as a classroom exercise. In theory you may take CITI at any time prior to Milestone 2. However, you might wish to re-take the modules if a few years have passed in-between taking the CITI training and beginning your research.

For Professional Doctorate learners, it will vary by program as to when CITI is required. Check with your programme requirements. Note that CITI training must be complete by the time you submit to the IRB.

CITI training expires after two years. Learner and mentors are required to retake the CITI training after two years to ensure the training remains current. When you receive a notification from CITI that your training is about to expire, you will need to log in and complete the course.

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Doctoral Resources and Support

Institutional Review Board (IRB)

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