Last Updated: Oct 02, 2018 Views: 14328

IRBManager has built in webforms called xForms. These forms must be completed online when you are logged onto the site. 

All researchers are required to submit a copy of their approved Research Plan/SMART Form/Proposal on the IRB application.

For those researchers collecting new data from participants (most doctoral researchers at Capella University are collecting new data for their research), you should be prepared to provide the following:

  • draft recruitment materials
  • informed consent form to be used during the study (recruitment and obtaining informed consent may not be completed until after you have IRB approval. The IRB needs to see a copy of the consent/parental permission forms/assent forms that you intend to use on the appropriate Capella University Informed Consent template)
  • site permission letters (if site has been obtained)
  • data collection tools (interview protocol, surveys, questionnaires, observation protocols, etc)

Other documents will be necessary depending on the nature of your research. The IRB application will prompt you to provide what is necessary based on how you answer questions on the application.

Use the IRB Application Instruction guide to help you start the IRB Application and consult the IRB page on iGuide for further information about the IRB process and required information.



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Check out our resources on Campus (iGuide):

Doctoral Resources and Support

Institutional Review Board (IRB)

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