Last Updated: Jul 17, 2019 Views: 8407

You may have a balance due to:

  • Timing: Your financial aid may not have disbursed yet. It is normal to have a balance for the current quarter during the first two weeks of class. At the earliest, financial aid will apply to your account during the third week of your course following verification of eligibility and participation in courses.
  • Steps not complete: Check your status in Student Center to ensure you’ve completed all steps of the financial aid process, including completing requested documentation and accepting awards. 
  • Ineligible due to not participating in courseroom: One of the eligibility requirements for financial aid is that you are active at least half-time in your degree program (at least 6 credits for undergraduate and 3 for graduate).
  • Course drop: Your financial aid award is based on the assumption you will complete all courses you are active in at the end of the first two weeks of class. If you drop a course early, Capella may be required by the Department of Education to prorate your award, even if funds have already disbursed. If this happens it will reduce the amount you will owe your lender (and the interest that will accrue on that loan), but it may create a balance with Capella University will need to be resolved. View the Return to Lender policy.
  • Application fee or other non-eligible charges: Federal financial aid cannot pay for an application fee. To pay this, make an online payment through your Student Center. The Department of Education places some restrictions on what charges financial aid can pay for.
  • Award amount: Your accepted award may not be enough to pay for all tuition and fees. A Financial Aid Advisor can help you explore additional financial aid options.
  • Balance from prior financial aid year: You may have a remaining balance from a prior financial aid year. Department of Education regulations only permit up to $200 of current financial aid year disbursements to pay for a balance from a prior aid year. You will need to make a payment to cover any remaining balances online through Campus’s Student Center.
  • Charges for a future quarter: If you are pre-registered for the following quarter your account will reflect the tuition charge for that course. Since these charges are not currently due, financial aid will not be applied to them.

If you have any questions, contact Capella University at 1-888-CAPELLA (227-3552), or contact the Office of Financial Aid via email.