Last Updated: Jul 17, 2019 Views: 1460

In order to be eligible for an in school deferment you need to be actively participating in your program at least half-time (active in at least 6 credits for undergraduates and 3 credits for graduate learners). Once the add-drop period (weeks 1 and 2) for the course is complete we will send updated enrollment information to a database called the National Student Loan Clearinghouse.

Each month, Capella will continue to update your enrollment information. Many major lenders check this database regularly, and are able to process in-school deferments that way. If your lender is requesting a loan deferment form, you should complete that documentation after the third week of the quarter and submit it to us at or via fax (612-977-5060; toll-free: 1-888-227-8492).

In addition, you can print off a free copy of your enrollment verification to provide to your lender. To request an enrollment verification letter, please do the following:

  1. Log into Campus and go to the Enrollment Verification Letter page.
  2. Select "Request an enrollment verification letter." This link will direct you to the NSC Student Self Service.
  3. Click "Obtain an enrollment certificate."

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