In order to be eligible for an in school deferment you need to be actively participating in your program at least half-time (active in at least 6 credits for undergraduates and 3 credits for graduate learners). Once the add-drop period (weeks 1 and 2) for the course is complete we will send updated enrollment information to a database called the National Student Loan Clearinghouse.
Each month, Capella will continue to update your enrollment information. Many major lenders check this database regularly, and are able to process in-school deferments that way. If your lender is requesting a loan deferment form, you should complete that documentation after the third week of the quarter and submit it to us at or via fax (612-977-5060; toll-free: 1-888-227-8492).
In addition, you can print off a free copy of your enrollment verification to provide to your lender. To request an enrollment verification letter, please do the following:
- Log into Campus and go to the Enrollment Verification Letter page.
- Select "Request an enrollment verification letter." This link will direct you to the NSC Student Self Service.
- Click "Obtain an enrollment certificate."