FlexPath Model A
If you do not meet the course progression requirements for the financial aid for a payment period, your pending financial aid disbursements are delayed until the requirements have been met. This may result in an additoal billing session charge to your account.
Review our Financial Aid Progression Requitement tutorials to learner more about the requirements for undergraduate and graduate students.
FlexPath Model B
There are no course progression requirements for financial aid for the first two billing sessions. However, there are requirements for the third billing session and beyond.
If you do not meet the course progression requirements for financial aid payment period, pending financial aid disbursements are delayed until requirements are met.
Financial aid is typically disbursed starting in the middle of the third week of the course.
You can review our Financial Aid Progression Requirement tutorials to learn more about the requirements for undergraduate and graduate students..
You can review your payment period information and your progress toward the requirements via the Progress Tracker on your Finances Dashboard.