The best practice is to track down the original article and cite it directly.
However, if that is impossible, you may include a secondary source citation in your paper.
- The original source is called the primary source.
- A secondary source is one that discusses or cites material that was originally presented in another source.
Citing Original Source
Tips to find the original source, so you can cite directly:
- Find the full citation in the reference list, and search the title in Summon.
- If it does not come up in that search, use the instructions in the Journal and Book Locator Library Guide to double-check if we have access to it.
- If it's not available, and you don't need it right away, you can request the item through Interlibrary Loan and we will check to see if it is available from another library. You can find additional information in the Interlibrary Loan Guide.
Citing Secondary Source
If the item is not available see the following resources on citing secondary sources: