Last Updated: Feb 21, 2024 Views: 119

These tips will help you locate articles published in a specific country or research conducted in a specific country.

*It is important to note that even when using these strategies, articles from other countries may still appear in your search results. However, these strategies will help to reduce the amount of those results in your searches*


Strategy 1: Use an additional search line to narrow your results to a specific country. Use as many official names as you can think of for the country you are searching for. 


united states OR us OR u.s. OR united states of america

china OR people's republic of china 

germany OR deutschland


In EbscoHost databases: 

In ProQuest databases: 

An image showing the use of a search line to narrow by geographical results in a ProQuest database.

In Summon Advanced Search: 

An image of a search in Summon Advanced search that demonstrates narrowing by geography using a search line.


Strategy 2: Use a filter in a database to sort by Geography. Please note not all databases will have this feature. 

An image showing an example of using the Geographic Subset filter in an EbscoHost database


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