Last Updated: May 22, 2017 Views: 394

If your paper is over the maximum number of words:

  • Eliminate needless words.
  • Remove redundant statements or paragraphs.
  • Revise statements to express the same idea in fewer words.
  • Combine sentences, while maintaining grammatical integrity.


If your paper is under the minimum number of words:

  • Ensure each paragraph has a topic sentence, supporting details, and a concluding sentence.
  • Look at each paragraph individually and see where you can expand.
  • Include an introductory paragraph and a conclusion paragraph.
  • Compare your paper side by side with the assignment rubric to cover the mandatory criteria.

Please note: When an assignment has a required word count, this number typically does not include words on the title page or reference list—so be sure to exclude those when calculating your word count.

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